Get fantastic Harmony Hill products at a discount by becoming a host home...
As a Harmony Hill Host Home, you can get great discounts on your HH farm purchases. Here’s how it works:
- Sign up as a Host Home ( Send us a request on the Contact Us page.)
- Get your order – at a 10% discount!
- Get your friends, customers, and other family members together and let them know about Harmony Hill and their products.
- You all place your orders via email. Usually you’ll need a minimum of $1000.00 total, including your own family’s order, to set up a pick up date.
- Harmony Hill will contact each customer for payment via credit card, then set up a pickup date and time.
- At the specified date and time, Harmony Hill shows up at your home or business with the orders. HH handles all deliveries, payments, and orders. All you have to do is provide the pickup site.
- Enjoy your quality grass fed meat and poultry!
- Repeat the above, and always have the best meat and poultry available.